Discover the new Contract Amendment form for users, COASs and VISCs thortalaWed, 09/30/2020 - 10:59
The new “Contract Amendment for Users, COASs and VISCs” document, created in collaboration with the CERN Users Office (EP-AGS-UO) and the Business Computing group (FAP-BC), is now available on EDH. It is applicable to associated members of the personnel (MPA) who are or are becoming users, cooperation associates (COAS) or visiting scientists (VISC).
The document can be used to modify contractual information, such as:
- contract end date;
- average presence at CERN;
- experiment or project (only for users);
- institute;
- organic unit;
- status (user, COAS or VISC).
This EDH document has been available since 2007 but, after 13 years, has now been recreated for a cleaner and easier user experience, by:
- reducing its length by almost half;
- removing duplicated emergency contact information (Edit your emergency contacts);
- simplifying the “eye path” by placing input fields in consistent repetitive locations;
- placing static text into help fields, which are now visible only when needed;
- replacing the old pop-up windows with new dynamic search input fields:
The new document follows the same workflow/routing as the previous iteration. More workflow information is available in the document’s help section.
The CoreHR team in FAP-BC