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Erroneous payout of “inflation compensation” in France

Erroneous payout of “inflation compensation” in France

Some members of the CERN personnel residing in France have received a message from their local tax office (centre des finances publiques) concerning inflation compensation (indemnité inflation) (see https://www.gouvernement.fr/une-indemnite-inflation-pour-proteger-le-pouvoir-d-achat-des-francais-face-a-la-hausse-des-prix (in French only)).

This measure is aimed at people whose net professional income or income replacement is less than 2000 euros per month.

Members of the personnel who receive this compensation must repay it via a dedicated reimbursement portal, which will be accessible from the impots.gouv.fr website at the beginning of February (from the “Particulier” tab of the impots.gouv.fr website, under the heading “Indemnité inflation”). Once the “Indemnité inflation” page is open, the menu will be as follows:

- a link to the government communication website (FAQ on www.gouvernement.fr);

- one or more links to the applicable legal texts (Légifrance);

- a link: “Je souhaite rembourser une aide indemnité inflation qui m’a été versée par erreur” (I wish to reimburse an inflation compensation payout that was made to me in error).

Clicking on this last link will take you to a form where you have to specify the amount to be reimbursed (100 euros). Payment must be made by credit card via the PayfiP portal and, once confirmed, a PayfiP payment receipt will be sent to the email address of the person concerned. This payment receipt will serve as proof for the French administration.

Please take appropriate action as soon as possible.

thortalaMon, 01/31/2022 - 12:29
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