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Computer Security: The rancid USB box of chocolate


How convenient were USB sticks in the past…? And how convenient they still are today despite the fact that with CERN’s free and versatile CERNBox service or the commercial “Dropbox” solution there are simpler methods for sharing files and documents between devices. And even more secure and compliant ones!

The basic problem with USB sticks is that they are a black box, a box of chocolates: “You never know what you're gonna get” (Forrest Gump, 1994). And, indeed, how can you know if your USB stick, the one you are about to plug into your computer right now, holds any infected files, viruses, illegal software or software subject to copyright or particular licence conditions. You can’t, even if the USB stick is brand new. We have had cases at CERN where USB sticks came already infected from the factory – USB sticks in sealed plastic packaging… The risk for your computer and CERN is non-negligible: depending on the type of infection/virus and how up-to-date your operating system is, your computer might get infected right away. This is a particular risk for devices which cannot be kept up-to-date all times, like some control systems used for running our accelerators, infrastructure or experiments!

Worse, our automatic detection tools regularly detect pirated software or copyrighted material arriving via personal USB sticks used previously at home. Of course, what you do at home is your private business and only subject to your local national laws, but once the USB stick is connected at CERN, the use of pirated software or copyrighted material can have significant consequences for the Organization (see our Bulletin articles on the subject: “Do you have 30kCHF pocket money?” and “Music, videos and the risk for CERN”). 

So, help us to protect your devices, CERN’s reputation and the operation of CERN’s accelerators, infrastructure and experiments! Please do not bring your USB sticks from home to CERN (and if you need to, please format them beforehand). Take additional care when plugging in USB sticks from third parties. It is better just to refrain from using USB sticks unless you have a good idea of what is stored on them – in particular for USB sticks found “on the road” (e.g. USB sticks lost by someone, dropped on the floor, handed to you by some stranger). Instead use CERNBox as an alternative. It has sufficient space for big files, synchronises with your CERN home folders, is remotely accessible (even from mobile devices) and provides anonymous access for sharing material with third parties. And please apply the utmost care when using USB sticks to transfer data to production control systems hosted on the Technical Network (TN) or any experiment networks (EN). The corresponding policy, the CNIC Security Policy for Controls (section 6.2.1), stipulates that the “usage of USB sticks being connected to devices on the TN/EN must be avoided by any means and alternative methods for file transfer […] must be used whenever possible. Failure to adhere to this rule will be considered as professional fault putting a risk to the TN/EN.” And, finally, it goes without a saying that always keeping your operating systems up-to-date and using decent anti-virus software (you can get it for free from CERN) will definitely provide you additional protection.


Do you want to learn more about computer security incidents and issues at CERN? Follow our Monthly Report. For further information, questions or help, check our website or contact us at Computer.Security@cern.ch

ATLAS celebrates dedicated & creative collaboration members


Winners of the 2018 ATLAS Outstanding Achievement Awards, together with ATLAS spokesperson Karl Jakobs, Collaboration Board Chair Max Klein and Awards Committee Chair Jim Pilcher (Image: E. Ward/CERN)

On 11 October 2018, ATLAS celebrated the outstanding achievements of 15 of its collaboration members with an awards ceremony. Established in 2014, the Outstanding Achievement Awards give recognition to excellent contributions made to the collaboration in all areas, excluding physics analysis. This year’s awards celebrated remarkable contributions to the measurement of jet energy and missing transverse momentum; the ITK upgrade project; the development, deployment and commissioning of the trigger burst-stopper for the ATLAS level-1 endcap muon system; the online luminosity software; the commissioning of the level-1 Topo trigger; and software development and deployment.

“Within the ATLAS collaboration, huge efforts go into making the detector function seamlessly”, says Jim Pilcher, Awards Committee Chair. “We sought to reward the people who have made dramatic improvements to the operation and understanding of our detector, thus improving the quality of our measurements.” 


Read the full article published in ATLAS News on 15 October.

See horse-logging in action at CERN


Logging with horses in CERN woods. (Image : CERN)

The CERN site covers 625 hectares, of which around 90 are forest land, mainly situated in France. These forests are managed by the French National Forestry Office (ONF), which carries out regular work, such as thinning out young shoots, selecting the most vigorous trees and felling mature trees for timber.

For the removal of fallen trees, CERN and the ONF have chosen in recent years to use the technique of horse logging. This alternative method is considered more respectful of forest environments.

From 5 to 20 November, logging work with horses will take place on two of CERN’s wooded plots. To encourage you to discover this technique, the ONF and CERN invite you to take a tour of the site with a forest technician.

Tours in French.
Registration and further information on

A reverse hackathon with CERN


Participants at the CERN Hackathon in July (Credit: HighTechXL)

Six high-tech business teams were selected to explore business solutions for CERN technologies within the HighTechXL Accelerator Programme. They presented their winning projects during the CERN Hackathon in the Netherlands, organised jointly by CERN, Nikhef and HighTechXL. The teams will now go on to explore technologies connected to novel lasers, accelerator technology, and cooling systems and their applications for satellite communication, medical technology and high-stability cooling. Participation in the HighTechXL Accelerator Programme gives the participants access to an array of experts in law, funding, design, communication and business. At the end of the programme, they will pitch to an investor audience made up of large companies from the Eindhoven ecosystem in the Netherlands and venture capitalists.


Read the full article published in Accelerating News on 8 October.

LHC Report: Protons: mission accomplished


The peak luminosity of each fill in 2018, showing that most of the time the fills started with a peak luminosity close to 2x10^34 cm-2 s-1. After each technical stop or MD period, there is a period of intensity ramp up to ensure the machine runs safely.

At 6.01 a.m. on 24 October, the LHC Operations team flipped the switch in the LHC island of the CERN Control Centre to dump the last proton production fill of LHC Run 2 (2015-2018). This 242nd physics fill of 2018 was in collision for about 13.5 hours, producing a final integrated luminosity of 0.46 fb-1, bringing ATLAS and CMS to a total integrated luminosity of 66 fb-1 in 2018, more than the 60 fb-1 forecasted. This record integrated luminosity was achieved thanks to the high machine availability and the stable beam ratio (beyond 50%).

The switch that allows the LHC beams to be dumped manually. Once activated, the extraction system is switched on and both beams are extracted from the LHC at Point 6 in a single turn and dumped on the external beam dumps, which are composed of graphite blocks.

In addition, the machine and beam performance allowed nearly every fill to run with a peak luminosity of about 2 x 1034 cm-2 s-1, which is a factor of two higher than the LHC design luminosity (1 x 1034 cm-2 s-1). The total integrated luminosity since the beginning of LHC operation is now 189.3 fb-1 for each of ATLAS and CMS, of which 160 fb-1 were accumulated during Run 2 alone.

This peak luminosity is not relevant to the LHCb and ALICE experiments, which aim for a low number of collisions per bunch crossing and whose luminosity is therefore deliberately levelled to a much lower value. They are interested in a maximum number of bunches colliding in their experiments and a long stable beams time. Thanks to the high machine availability, they also managed to accumulate more luminosity than anticipated. The 2018 forecast for LHCb was 2 fb-1, but the experiment actually received 2.46 fb-1. ALICE completed its proton run with an integrated luminosity of 27.3 pb-1.

These accomplishments would not have been possible without the excellent performance of the injector chain during the 2018 run. The beams produced in the injectors required continuous attention in order to keep their brightness high, much higher than originally anticipated in the LHC design report, which made a major contribution to the high peak luminosity in the LHC.

Immediately after the 24 October beam dump, the Machine Development (MD) teams were in the starting blocks to take over the machine for a dense and interesting programme of machine and beam studies that will end on 31 October. A short three-day technical stop will then allow the experiments to prepare their detectors for the ion run, for which final preparatory activities will start on 3 November. The beginning of physics with lead-ion collisions is scheduled for 8 November.

The lead-ion injector chain differs slightly from the proton one and is composed of LINAC3, which will make multiple injections into the LEIR, where the ions will be accumulated, cooled and accelerated before being transferred to the PS. The PS will then through RF manipulations create a bunch spacing of 100 ns between 4 bunches and accelerate them further before sending them to the SPS, where up to 12 PS batches (each composed of 4 bunches spaced by 100 ns) will be injected and where the energy will be further boosted before the injection of the beam into the LHC. This means that LINAC2 and the PS Booster are not required for the lead-ion run. They will be stopped on 12 November for the Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) activities in preparation for the connection of LINAC4.

Halfway to high luminosity


A new beam absorber for the zones where the beams are injected from the SPS was assembled and tested last summer. This is one of the developments presented at the High-Luminosity LHC annual meeting (Image: Julien Ordan/CERN)

The High-Luminosity LHC has reached its halfway point. The second-generation LHC project was launched eight years ago and is scheduled to start up in 2026, eight years from now. From 15 to 18 October, the institutes contributing to this future accelerator came together at CERN to assess the progress of the work as the project moves from prototyping to the series production phase for much of the equipment.

The annual meeting is a chance to conduct a global review of the project – and global is the word, because, as project leader Lucio Rossi observes, “the High-Luminosity LHC is a worldwide project that has been worked on by an international collaboration since the very beginning”. As well as CERN’s Member States and Associate Member States, thirteen other countries are contributing to the project. New agreements have been signed recently with Japan and China and an agreement with Canada was announced in June. Representatives of the collaborating countries presented the status of their contributions during the plenary session. Some 1000 people are working on the project.

The civil engineering work has progressed considerably since it began in the spring: excavations have reached 30 metres at Point 1 and 25 metres at Point 5. The two 80-metre shafts should be fully excavated by the beginning of 2019.

As for the accelerator, one of the key tasks is the production of around one hundred magnets of eleven different types. Some of these, notably the main magnets, are made of a novel type of superconductor, niobium-tin, which is particularly difficult to work with. The short prototype phase is coming to an end for the quadrupole magnets that will replace the LHC’s triplets and focus the beams very strongly before they collide. The long quadrupole magnets (7.15 metres in length) are being produced at CERN, while those measuring 4.2 metres in length are being developed in the United States in the framework of the US LHC-AUP (LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project) collaboration. Several short prototypes have reached the required intensities on both sides of the Atlantic. Two long prototypes (4.2 metres) have been produced in the United States and the second is currently being tested. At CERN, the assembly of the first 7.15-metre-long prototype has begun.

The dipole magnets at the interaction points, which divert the beams before and after the collision point, are being developed in Japan and Italy. One short model has been successfully tested at KEK in Japan and a second is in the process of being tested. INFN, in Italy, is also assembling a short model. Finally, progress is being made on the development of the corrector magnets at CERN and in Spain (CIEMAT), Italy (INFN) and China (IHEP), with several prototypes already tested. In 2022, a test line will be installed in hall SM18 in order to test a magnet chain at the interaction point.

One of the major successes of 2018 is the installation in the SPS of a test bench with an autonomous cryogenic unit. The test bench houses two DQW (double-quarter wave) crab cavities, one of the two architectures chosen for this ground-breaking equipment. The two cavities rotated the proton bunches as soon as the tests began in May, marking a world first. The construction of the DQW cavities will continue while the second architecture, RFD (radiofrequency dipole), is developed in the United States. The production of this novel equipment is the result of an international endeavour by Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada.

Many other developments were presented during the symposium: new collimators have been tested in the LHC; a beam absorber for the injection points from the SPS was tested over the summer and will be installed during the second long shutdown; a demonstrator for a magnesium diboride superconducting link is currently being validated; studies have been undertaken to test and adjust the remote alignment of all the equipment in the interaction region, etc.

Over the four days, some 180 presentations covered a wide range of technologies developed for the High-Luminosity LHC and beyond.

Projects,HL-LHC,8th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting
Some of the participants at the High-Luminosity LHC collaboration’s annual meeting during the first day of the symposium, on 15 October 2018 (Image: Maximilien Brice/Rachel Lavy/Julien Ordan/CERN)


More powerful protectors for higher luminosity


Assembly of HRMT-45 experiment: testing one of the modules of a prototype injection protection absorber (TDIS). (Image: CERN)

At the end of August this year, as the summer was taking its time to fade away, a component for the High-Luminosity LHC’s army of protectors was successfully tested.

The TDIS (target dump injection segmented) is a machine-protecting device for the LHC equipment, located close to the point at which particles are injected from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). Developed as an upgrade of the current TDI (target dump injection) located at point 2 and point 8 of the accelerator, the TDIS will provide a higher intensity absorption capability for the High-Luminosity LHC.

With a design including a pair of jaws made of several materials with varying densities, the device plays the role of an injection protection absorber. Once the particle beam gets accelerated within the SPS, its trajectory is directed by kicker and septa magnets towards the transfer line to the LHC. If the particle beam is out of the expected trajectory, it will be intercepted by the jaws of the beam absorber, thus protecting the cryogenic magnets and experiment from damage caused by the particle impact. Robust protection of the machine is essential, particularly given the intensity increase of the HL-LHC.

As the proton beam passes through the two jaws, it normally doesn’t interact with them. But if the beam is deviated out of the nominal trajectory, it will hit the jaws and produce a shower of secondary particles inside the material, which will generate a significant energy deposition in the materials that make up the TDIS. That is why the jaws of the TDIS are installed on a back stiffener made of a special molybdenum alloy, which will not become deformed under the thermal load.

Installation of HRMT-45 at HiRadMat in the SPS tunnel (Image: CERN)

During the summer, the first prototype of one of the three modules making up the TDIS was tested at the HiRadMat facility. The aim of the so-called “HRMT-45” experiment was to reproduce a state of energy deposition comparable to that induced by the most severe failure scenario of the HL-LHC beam. “As it is not yet possible to reproduce the high luminosity beam, the team reproduced an impact even closer to the back stiffener to imitate the future possible load cases”, says Antonio Perillo-Marcone, TDIS project leader within HL-LHC WP14. The test was performed starting with low-intensity beams and going as high as 288 bunches of 1.20E+11 particles. The materials that have been tested vary from low density, such as graphite, to higher density, such as titanium and copper alloys.

View of the HiRadMat facility (Image: CERN)

The HiRadMat is a unique facility that allows engineers to test the instantaneous impact of a high level of prompt radiation on different materials. This testing facility is used to execute single-shot experiments on assemblies, mostly beam intercepting devices such as beam windows, collimators, or anything else that intercepts the beam within the accelerator. It was designed to look at the thermal shots that occur a few microseconds after the beam impact, when the temperature may increase by thousands of degrees and create non-homogeneous thermal expansions, causing a stress wave that moves through the material.

The TDIS is being developed within the framework of work package 14 of the HL-LHC project, “Beam Transfer and Kickers”, led by Chiara Bracco. The TDIS, which will enable the HL-LHC to withstand the future beams, will be installed during Long Shutdown 2 and will be one of the first components in place for the LHC’s machine upgrade.

13-14 November: Spain@CERN industrial exhibition

13-14 November: Spain@CERN industrial exhibitionanschaefThu, 11/01/2018 - 12:25

The second Spain @ CERN industrial exhibition will be held on 13 and 14 November 2018. This event is organised by CDTI, the Spanish Innovation Agency, and will allow 56 Spanish companies to share their expertise and know-how with CERN technicians.

The opening ceremony will take place on Tuesday, 13 November in the Council Chamber, in the presence of Fabiola Gianotti, CERN Director-General, and Pedro Duque, Spanish Minister of Science. 

Since no booths will be installed, the event will be focused on one-to-one meetings between the industrial participants and CERN staff. Those meetings will be held in rooms around the Main Building on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.

The list of participants is available at: https://spain-at-cern.web.cern.ch/. Please contact ILO.Spain@cern.ch if you are interested in meeting them.

Computer Security: When "free" is not free

Computer Security: When "free" is not freeanschaefFri, 11/09/2018 - 12:03

“Academic freedom” is one of the values held in high regard by CERN. Freedom in terms of open and unbiased research, free communication, free opinions and free discussions. In the digital world, this also includes the freedom to choose which hardware to buy, which operating system to install, which programming language to employ and which applications to use. However, there are also limits and sometimes it is better to choose a mainstream option: coordinating hardware purchases saves money; deploying centrally provided operating systems enables excellent support; aligning programing languages benefits long-term maintenance and collaboration; and refraining from “free” applications avoids licensing troubles. And we know all about licensing troubles!

Protect CERN, protect yourself! Using applications without a valid licence will lead to repercussions (see our Bulletin article on “Do you have 30 kCHF pocket money?”). Deliberately downloading pirated licences is professional misconduct, and might lead to financial penalties. But the innocent installation of “free” applications can also have unexpected consequences: “free software” or “free version” does not necessarily mean that something is free to use at CERN. For example, “free” might imply that a private individual can use the software at home without charges, or a small team of people can use it together without being billed. In the context of CERN, however, neither applies: applications are supposed to be used in a professional context and, very often – in collaborations with big teams – the term “free” is invalid. It is therefore very important to check the Terms and Conditions prior to the first use of any software and to understand under which circumstances “free” really means “free of charge”.

But the word “free” can also have another connotation: “provided for free by my home institute”. CERN’s academic freedom means that CERN is acting as an Internet Service Provider (ISP), providing network connections to the Internet for many of our users. The corresponding hardware, including laptops etc., is sponsored by their home institute and comes loaded with a stack of applications provided by the institute – not by CERN. While these institutes are expected to have purchased those applications under a valid licensing scheme, this scheme and the associated Terms and Conditions might not permit any usage of those applications abroad. Location is key and licences might be valid only when the applications are used at the home institute’s premises! Care must also be taken here. Once more, it is very important to check the Terms and Conditions prior to the first use of any software. In cases of abuse, CERN will decline any responsibility and refer the matter to the user’s home institute.

Therefore, if you need a specific application for CERN-related professional business, please first check CERN’s portfolio of centrally provided software via CMF for Windows PCs, LXSOFT for Linux systems and the CERN/Apple Mac Self-Service. Dedicated licences are also available for engineering software and for control software. If these do not suit your needs, or if you are in doubt as to whether the licence conditions of your applications are compliant with usage at CERN, please contact the CERN Software Licence Officer to check your options and, if needed, agree to make a central purchase. And for your private/personal usage, please refrain from installing such software on CERN-owned PCs and laptops and use your private, non-CERN e-mail address to register. Otherwise, any costs that arise will be billed to you.


Do you want to learn more about computer security incidents and issues at CERN? Follow our Monthly Report. For further information, questions or help, check our website or contact us at Computer.Security@cern.ch.

25 years of service at CERN

25 years of service at CERNanschaefMon, 11/12/2018 - 10:07
(Image: Ordan, Julien; Lavy, Rachel/CERN)

The 45 staff members having achieved 25 years of service at CERN in 2018 were invited by the Director-General to a reception in their honour on 25 October 2018. We thank them for their continued commitment and wish them all the best!

Corsini Roberto BE-ABP-LAT
Gourber-Pace Marine BE-CO
Roux Eric BE-CO-APS
Ludwig Michael BE-ICS-FD
Albert Markus BE-OP-LHC
Follin Fabio BE-OP-SPS
Brunner Olivier BE-RF-MK 
Karppinen Mikko BE-RF-SRF
Wilbers Maarten DG-LS-OO 
Hay David EN-ACE-OSS
Rousseau Bertrand EN-EL-CCS  
Glaude Didier EN-MME-MM
De Man Sven EN-STI-TCD 
Dell'Acqua Andrea EP-ADE-MU
Ellis Nicolas EP-ADT-TR  
Janot Patrick EP-CMG
Auffray Hillemanns Etiennette EP-CMX-DA 
Perez Gomez Francisco EP-DT-CO
Onnela Antti EP-DT-CO
Ropelewski Leszek EP-DT-DD
Danielsson Hans Olof EP-DT-EF
D'Auria Andrea EP-DT-FS
Martinengo Paolo EP-DT-TP
Joos Markus EP-ESE-BE
Lichard Peter EP-ESE-FE
Ruf Thomas EP-LBD
Funk Wolfgang EP-LBD
Dobrovicova Ivica FAP-AIS-FP
Leuzzi Pascale HR-CB-SAS
Forkel-Wirth Doris HSE       
Polivka Nicole HSE-DI                      
Fassnacht Veronique HSE-OHS-ME
Weiss Kurt HSE-RP-CS 
Tsesmelis Emmanuel IR-REL-NMS
Le Meur Jean-Yves IT-CDA-DR
Barriere Paula SMB-DI
Gaudillet Herve TE-ABT-EDS
Borburgh Johannes TE-ABT-SE
Balhan Bruno TE-ABT-SE
Knoops Sigrid TE-CRG-ML
Coupat Christophe TE-EPC-OMS
Siemko Andrzej TE-MPE
Giloteaux David TE-MSC-MM
Baglin Vincent TE-VSC-VSM
Giudice Gian TH-SP

CERN’s IT Consultancy team can help

CERN’s IT Consultancy team can helpanschaefThu, 11/08/2018 - 15:24
CERN’s IT Consultancy team* (Image: Liviu Valsan, Eduardo Alvarez Fernandez/CERN)

Created in 2016, CERN’s IT Consultancy team provides a point of contact to help people understand the landscape of IT activities and services at CERN. The team helps with the architecture and design of computing systems and services in order to optimise the use of resources across the Organization.

The team also helps to define requirements and assess their impact on security, data privacy protection, software and licences, including the cost of cloud licences, particularly when the requirements span several different services or the requests go beyond the scope of the computing services currently offered.

Since 2016, CERN’s IT Consultancy team has addressed over 90 requests spanning a large number of IT fields. “We have one objective: to avoid reinventing the IT wheel, so that different teams don’t replicate existing services”, says Jaroslava Schovancová, IT consultant. “We want to suggest solutions that can be easily integrated into the existing computing infrastructure.”

The consultants* are experts in various fields from the CERN IT department. They collaborate closely with the CERN IT service managers, as well as the Computer Security, Data Privacy Protection, Software Licence and Cloud Licence Offices.

Do not hesitate to contact them by submitting a request to the “IT Consulting Service” service element in the CERN Service Portal or by sending an e-mail to it-consulting@cern.ch.


The CERN IT Consultancy team


* Eduardo Alvarez Fernandez (IT-CDA), Vincent Bippus (IT-CDA), Xavier Espinal Curull (IT-DI), Arash Khodabandeh (IT-DB), Véronique Lefébure (IT-CS), Sebastian Łopieński (IT-DI), Ignacio Reguero (IT-CM, Coordinator), Jaroslava Schovancová (IT-CM), Bruno Silva de Sousa (IT-CDA) and Liviu Vâlsan (IT-DI).

Sharing knowledge: the fifth CERN-UNESCO School on Digital Libraries

Sharing knowledge: the fifth CERN-UNESCO School on Digital LibrariescagrigorTue, 11/06/2018 - 14:03
Participants of the CERN-UNESCO School on Digital Libraries
Images shot during the one-week long school on digital libraries, with attendees from Kenya, Cameroon, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. (Image: CERN)
CERN-UNESCO School on Digital Libraries took place in Nairobi, Kenya, from 8 to 12 October 2018 (Image: Jean-Yves Le Meur, Guillaume Lastecoueres/CERN)

CERN’s dedication to training and international collaboration in fields beyond physics research is thriving, with its education activities being exported to developing countries. One recent example is the CERN-UNESCO School on Digital Libraries that took place in Nairobi, Kenya, from 8 to 12 October 2018. Aimed at improving access to information for African researchers and increasing the global visibility of African research, the School represents an important contribution to international knowledge-sharing from CERN.

After Rwanda, Morocco, Senegal and Ghana, Kenya was the fifth host country of the School on Digital Libraries. About 35 librarians and library system managers from Kenya, Cameroon, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe convened at the University of Nairobi to acquire new skills for running digital library systems and a better insight into the technologies that facilitate the circulation of academic production within libraries. The programme was a mixture of theory, practical exercises and active participation, with contributors coming from CERN’s Scientific Information service and Technology department, the National Library of Uganda, TIND, Elsevier and EIFL.

The training focused on open access and open knowledge, with the clear goal of facilitating libraries’ access to a more comprehensive body of literature, as well as getting African repositories well-stocked with all the local academic production. Participants were introduced to different approaches to running the open-source digital repository platform Invenio, which was born at CERN. Complementary hands-on sessions were on offer, one using the service Zenodo and the other using Open Access Africa (OAA). OAA was deployed and launched for this workshop by the CERN spin-off TIND, which will make the platform available free of charge for two years. Six libraries have already signed up to test it with real data.

In addition to implementing what they learned during the workshop in their home institutions, the participants showed a keen interest in sharing their expertise with others, networking being one of the key benefits of the school. “We shall share the knowledge about CERN with other colleagues in our country and those of the Central African sub-region so that they can also benefit from this enriching programme in the future”, said Cameroonian participants Atabeh Uta-Rein and Tangmo Norbert.

To further enhance their skills, six of the attendees will be invited to CERN in June 2019 to meet experts and receive more in-depth training.

The CERN-UNESCO School on Digital Libraries is an education and outreach project within the CERN & Society Foundation. The 2018 school in Kenya was made possible thanks to a generous donation from Ms Margarita Louis-Dreyfus. 

To learn more about the CERN & Society Foundation’s activities and how you can be involved, visit the dedicated website.

For your safety, wear reflective clothing

For your safety, wear reflective clothinganschaefFri, 11/09/2018 - 11:41

Switzerland’s 12th annual Day of Light will take place on 15 November. The authorities will use this opportunity to remind the public that the risk of road accidents increases as the days get shorter, particularly for pedestrians and those travelling by bicycle or scooter, because they may not be seen until it is too late.

Indeed, road users wearing dark colours can be seen only at a distance of 25 metres. Visibility increases to 40 metres for light and fluorescent colours and to 140 metres for reflective clothing and accessories, giving other road users more time to react.

The MADE VISIBLE campaign, launched by Touring Club Suisse (TCS) and the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention, aims to promote enhanced visibility on the road, notably through information about reflective clothing and accessories on the market.

So, for your safety, stock up on reflective gear!

CERN commemorates history of Pension-Fund-owned building

CERN commemorates history of Pension-Fund-owned buildingcmenardFri, 11/09/2018 - 08:41
Joanne Intrator, granddaughter of Jakob Intrator, and Charlotte Warakaulle, CERN's Director for International Relations, standing in front of the commemorative plaque. (Image: CERN)

On 26 October, CERN hosted, together with the Aktives Museum in Berlin, the unveiling of a plaque describing the history of a building purchased by the CERN Pension Fund in 2015.

Number 16 Wallstrasse is an attractive building constructed in 1908 and acquired by cousins Jakob Berglas and Jakob Intrator in 1920. Today, it is the property of the CERN Pension Fund. Intrator’s granddaughter, Joanne, a New York based psychiatrist, contacted the Pension Fund to explain what happened after her grandfather and uncle acquired the building, and to ask that a commemorative plaque be placed to highlight the history of the building.

Berglas and Intrator were Jewish, and although they escaped the Nazis, their building was one of many taken from Jewish people in 1930s Berlin. Some years later, it was home to a printing company that produced Jewish Stars there in the summer of 1941: the infamous symbols sewn onto the clothes of Jewish people in the Third Reich. 

Joanne Intrator and several members of the wider Intrator family took part in the ceremony, together with representatives of the German and Israeli governments, and senior representatives from CERN and its Pension Fund.

“The history of CERN is closely connected with that of the Second World War,” said CERN’s Director for international Relations, Charlotte Warakaulle, at the ceremony. “Our laboratory was created as a reaction and as a contrast to what happened in Europe in the 1930s and 40s. We owe our existence to the foresight and determination of scientists and politicians from many nations, who shared a vision of reconciling a war-torn continent through culture, including science. We continue to live by this vision and to be inspired by it.

Welcome to the new CERN website

Welcome to the new CERN websitecagrigorMon, 11/05/2018 - 10:26
Responding to requests from online users, CERN’s new homepage provides more content upfront, with a long scroll to appeal to mobile users.


CERN has launched its new home.cern website, giving online users the chance to find out about the Organization in a new way. As well as a change of design, site navigation is now content-based instead of audience-based.

Taking feedback from a 2017 workshop of CERN stakeholders as well as an online survey of more than 2000 website users, CERN’s scrolling homepage now includes more information. A new megamenu takes visitors deeper into the website quicker than before, not only for news but also for background information about the Laboratory itself, including new lists of frequently asked questions and a new science section with reference material about CERN’s research.

A workshop of CERN stakeholders as well as an online survey of more than 2000 website users both called for content-based rather than audience-based navigation (Image: Everis)

CERN’s previous website, launched in 2012, asked users to identify themselves as either the public, CERN community, scientists or students and educators. The dilemma was that many visitors identified as more than one of these audiences.

Now visitors can choose different ways to navigate the site, with content grouped into seven topics: physics, accelerators, engineering, computing, experiments, knowledge sharing and at CERN. More audiences have been added to the existing audiences: industry, policymakers and the media, with news items now tagged for multiple audiences to help users find relevant content faster, including news, announcements, opinion pieces and more.

Press releases are incorporated into the new website, with press.cern now pointing to dedicated press room for media. Upcoming events and webcasts are now more prominently featured and a new resources section showcases images, videos and publications such as the annual report, CERN Courier magazine and the Bulletin for the CERN community.

The main CERN website has undergone several changes in its past. By 1998, there was a public website under www.cern.ch. By 2005, this changed to public.web.cern.ch before the 2012 evolution to home.web.cern.ch, whose url changed to home.cern in 2015. In this latest evolution, the toolbar at the top of the website has remained, allowing the CERN community easy access to the directory page for useful links. Content will continue to evolve over time; for now, we wish you an enjoyable new online experience.

New public transport lines

New public transport lines anschaefMon, 11/12/2018 - 11:52

As of 9 December 2018, the Y bus line, which currently links Ferney-Voltaire (Avenue du Jura) and Thoiry (Val-Thoiry), via CERN, will cease to exist and will be replaced by lines 66 and 68. For more information, visit the TPG website.

Since September, Transports de l’Ain has been offering on-demand transport services in the Pays de Gex, including one connecting Léaz and CERN. These lines operate at fixed times and travel must be booked in advance. For more information, visit the Transports de l’Ain website.

Paul Baillon (1938 - 2018)

Paul Baillon (1938 - 2018)anschaefMon, 11/12/2018 - 11:59


After studying at the École normale supérieure, Paul Baillon quickly moved on to the laboratory of the École polytechnique and then to CERN, where he became a member of the personnel in 1966.

Paul’s career was notable for the sheer variety of his scientific output.

Firstly, he was a pioneer in bubble-chamber physics. In 1961 and 1962, as a member of the CERN-Collège de France collaboration, he participated in an experiment that recorded 750 000 antiproton annihilations at rest in the liquid hydrogen of the 81 cm Saclay Bubble Chamber. In 1965, he defended his thesis on the study of these annihilations “with production of at least one visible neutral K”, before a prestigious jury composed of Francis Perrin, Jean Meyer and Louis Leprince-Ringuet. The thesis presented a new determination of the mass and width of the K and announced new resonances, in particular the first pseudoscalar meson in the 1400-1500 MeV mass region. Paul remained interested in this subject because this meson could be interpreted as being made up of gluons (a “glueball”).

Twenty years after the data was recorded, Paul even carried out a new analysis, looking for baryonium, a pioneering exercise in data preservation!

From 1974 to 1982, Paul took part in electronic experiments at the PS, which focused on the study of two-body hadronic reactions, and then spent a period at SLAC, where he participated in the DELCO experiment at the e+e− PEP ring, studying in particular the charm quark and the tau lepton.

Throughout his career, in parallel with his work at CERN, Paul managed to continue to collaborate with his French colleagues, often in his spare time. He was passionate about astrophysics and was one of the originators of gamma astronomy in France through his involvement in the Themistocle experiment, carried out from 1988 to 1994. This experiment cleverly reused the infrastructure of the Themis solar power plant, which had been shut down in 1986, to detect cosmic gamma-ray showers by concentrating the Cherenkov light from the showers onto photomultipliers. The studies were particularly focused on the Crab nebula and pulsar. Later, Paul participated in the design of the CAT experiment.

He was also involved in the search for dark matter in the cosmos, aimed at detecting dark objects through the gravitational microlensing effect, an amplification of the luminosity of a star when such an object passes between it and the observer. He contributed to two experiments carried out using telescopes at the Observatoire du Pic du Midi: AGAPE and then the POINT-AGAPE pixel-lensing survey of the Andromeda galaxy.

Upon his return from the United States, Paul joined CERN’s major programmes again, first LEP and the DELPHI experiment, where he became a key member of the team that designed and built the complex and innovative RICH Cherenkov detector. Paul worked on all aspects of the barrel part of the RICH and was responsible for its full simulation and for the particle analysis and identification code. He was also a major player in the production of the detector’s 300 highly-reflective mirrors.

Moving on to the LHC, Paul joined CMS and made essential contributions to the design of the scintillating crystal electromagnetic calorimeter, which played a key part in the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. Using the skills he developed at DELPHI, Paul worked with André Braem to develop a reflective protective film to coat the interior of the cells containing the crystals. But most importantly, Paul was one of the designers of the system to stabilise the temperature, to within a few hundredths of a degree, of the crystals, which are located just a few centimetres away from electronics emitting a considerable amount of heat. Thanks to this design, the temperature of the crystals has been kept at exactly 18 degrees since 2007.

With a very solid foundation in classical physics and instrumentation, as well as mathematics, Paul could be as passionate about the construction of a detector as about the most abstract ideas of mathematical physics. Many still remember, for example, his highly informative class on the use of tensor calculus at the Herceg Novi school in 1968. In his retirement, he wrote and published a book entitled: “Differential Manifolds, A Basic Approach for Experimental Physicists”. He was writing a second on the basics of quantum field theory.

When faced with a problem, Paul had the knack of approaching it from an unexpected angle. It was a sign of brilliance, of true originality and even of a certain taste for the paradoxical... but it always produced results.

He was gifted and daring in his intellectual pursuits, but also in sporting ones, as an accomplished skier and mountaineer. Beyond science, Paul was interested in history and religion, and found time to get involved in politics and local affairs.

We will treasure the memories of our discussions with Paul, memories that will constantly remind us of our deep admiration for this exceptional scientist and man.

His colleagues and friends

Dernières nouvelles du LHC : c’est au tour des ions lourds

LHC report: make way for the heavy ionscagrigorWed, 11/14/2018 - 10:02
Particle showers in the ALICE detector during the first lead nuclei collisions of 2018 (Image: ALICE/CERN)

At 9.19 p.m. on 8 November, the four LHC experiments recorded the first collisions of lead nuclei since 2015. For three and a half weeks, the LHC will collide these nuclei, comprising 208 protons and neutrons, at a centre-of-mass energy of 5.0 TeV per colliding nucleon pair. This will be the fourth run of this kind since the collider began operation. Lead ions have also been collided with protons in the LHC.

Collisions of lead nuclei enable scientists to study specific phenomena, such as quark–gluon plasma. Previous runs with lead nuclei have already produced a vast amount of data on the properties of this substance. Evidence of many other phenomena, including light-by-light scattering, has also been found in these collisions.

The LHC team intends to rise to various challenges during the 2018 run. “We want to maximise the luminosity in order to generate as much data as possible and prepare for future runs, especially at the High-Luminosity LHC”, says John Jowett, the accelerator physicist in charge of the LHC heavy-ion runs. During the last run of this type, in 2015, the luminosity achieved was over three and a half times higher than the LHC’s design luminosity. “We are aiming for even higher luminosity this time”, says John Jowett.

A new optics configuration has therefore been implemented and the magnets adjusted to reduce the β* parameter in the experiments (50 cm for ALICE, ATLAS and CMS and 1.5 metres for LHCb). This parameter is an indication of the focusing of the beam at the collision point: the smaller it is, the more compressed the beams and the greater the probability of interactions. The next step will be to reduce the time interval between the bunches of nuclei from 100 to 75 nanoseconds, thereby increasing the number of bunches circulating in the accelerator. The accelerator experts have been preparing for this run for several months. Numerous analyses and measurements have been carried out to improve the performance of the injectors (Linac3, LEIR, the PS and the SPS).

Nevertheless, on Monday, 29 October, the lead ion source failed. The cause of the problem was discovered the next day: one of the five solenoid coils had stopped working. Physicists and technicians took apart the source to replace the defective coil; this complex work required all of the equipment to be dismantled and was carried out in only three days. On Friday, 2 November, the source was ready to be recommissioned. The first beam was sent to LEIR that Saturday and, the next day, lead ions reached the PS and then the SPS, before being extracted towards the transfer lines to the LHC. Despite this spectacular comeback, it took a few days to recondition the source and achieve the required beam properties (intensity and stability).

In parallel, so as not to lose time, the accelerator physics specialists and operators used proton beams to set up the new LHC configuration. “Although we had planned these steps very carefully, we had to make some last-minute adjustments. We also adapted our strategy in the light of the ion source failure by making as much progress towards commissioning as possible using protons”, explains John Jowett.

The first lead nuclei circulated in the LHC on Monday, 5 November. The radiofrequency acceleration system was adjusted to enable the beams to be intercepted: the particles injected into the ring are thus synchronised with the accelerating fields in order to keep the beam stable. The RF frequencies are then synchronised with the fields in the magnets to ensure that the beam remains on the correct path while being accelerated. The operators then produced beam loss maps, which are more complex than those produced for protons.  With the new optics, collimators were set more tightly around the beams and delicate adjustments had to be found in order to protect the machine from losses in various locations.

Test collisions were carried out on 6 November. After several days of intense preparations in order to achieve a high level of luminosity during the three and a half weeks of the run, the first stable beams for collisions were declared at 9.19 p.m. on Thursday, 8 November. The beam intensity and accumulated luminosity increased quickly, from 64 bunches per beam on the first day to 260 on the second day and 648 on Monday, 12 November. The beam size at the ALICE collision point is larger than it should be but measures to compensate this problem have been introduced while investigations continue.

The lead-lead run will continue until 6 a.m. on 3 December, when the beams will be stopped. A week of LHC magnet training tests for operation at a future proton collision energy of 14 TeV is then planned. The second long shutdown will begin on 10 December.


Visualisation de l'optique du faisceau au point 2 du LHC avec des ions de plomb
A computer visualisation of the beam optics in the ALICE experiment, where the new heavy-ion run optics focuses the colliding beams more strongly than ever before (b*=0.5 m). The image shows the two beams inside the beam pipe over a distance of 70 m on either side of the collision point at the heart of the ALICE detector. Bunches of Beam 1 move from left to right inside the blue envelope (an indication of their orbit and transverse size as the beam is manipulated by the LHC’s bending and focusing magnets). Bunches of Beam 2 travel from right to left inside the red envelope and collide with the bunches of Beam 1 at the collision point, where the beams are focused strongly to a tiny spot to maximise the luminosity. (Image: John Jowett/CERN)




Shutdown of the CERN Shuttle Circuit 3 during the LS2 period (2018-2020)

Shutdown of the CERN Shuttle Circuit 3 during the LS2 period (2018-2020)anschaefTue, 11/13/2018 - 09:48

According to the LS2 planning, we schedule to stop the shuttle circuit 3 by Monday 17 December at 08:32.

This shuttle service shutdown is effective during the LS2 period. The service will be reactivated during year 2020; exact date and time will be defined later.

Many thanks in advance for your understanding. 

The Mobility service (SMB-SIS)

Be courteous, be safe, when you’re on the roads

Be courteous, be safe, when you’re on the roadsanschaefTue, 11/13/2018 - 10:56

Next Sunday is the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, an initiative established in 1995 and since adopted by the UN to remember the millions of people who are killed and injured on the roads and to acknowledge the work of the emergency services. It’s a good opportunity to reflect on how we use the roads at CERN. We all use CERN’s transport arteries in one way or another: on foot, on two wheels or on four or more, and we all have the right to be safe and to be treated with courtesy by other road users when we do so.

Thousands of us use the roads at CERN every day and the overwhelming majority of us do so politely and without incident. That’s something in which we can all take pride, but there’s always room for improvement. Since 2013, the number of vehicle accidents on the CERN sites has varied between 13 and 29 per year. Discourteous behaviour ranges from two reported cases in 2015 to 36 in 2017. One thing that has been steadily rising over the period is the number of near misses, which has climbed from 54 cases reported in 2013 to over 100 so far this year. Is that a sign that we’re becoming more impatient and aggressive? Would it be good, perhaps, to slow down a little? Whatever the reason, it’s a trend that we should actively try to reverse.

As I’ve discussed in this column before, CERN’s Mobility Working Group recommends measures to improve all aspects of mobility at CERN, including safety. Many of you have shared your thoughts through the mobility questionnaire and many initiatives to improve mobility are currently under way. These range from measures to improve traffic flow to the development of cycle paths and footpaths. All are designed to make our movements around the CERN sites smoother and more pleasant for all, and as a consequence I hope to see our good track record get even better.

One more thing to remember: when you’re outside CERN, particularly with CD or green plates, you are an ambassador for the Laboratory. Your behaviour reflects on the Organization. So, wherever you are, on site or off, be safe, be courteous, and let’s try to get those accidents and instances of discourteous behaviour, which are still too numerous, down to zero!

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